Here are some websites you may find useful in planning your stay in River Bourgeois:
Here you will learn about the history of River Bourgeois, along with events that are happening in the community,
and businesses in the area.
The community of St. Peters is just a short drive away. Here you will find restaurants, the famous St. Peters canal,
and the MacAskill House Museum which is the restored birthplace of noted marine photographer, Wallace MacAskill
The community of River Bourgeois is part of Richmond County. This website will give you events happening in nearby
communities, including live music. The site also includes suggestions for places you should see and experience.
Plan on seeing Cape Breton Island during your stay? Cape Breton Island has been chosen as one of the
Best Trips for 2013 by National Geographic Traveler magazine. Explore the winding roads of the Cabot trail, visit historical Louisbourg,
or see the Graham Bell Museum. There is lots to see and do and this website will let you the possibilities.